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Proven methods on how to unclog a toilet bowl yourself at home

A clogged toilet is a common and unpleasant problem that needs to be fixed quickly. You can clear the blockage in the toilet using mechanical and chemical methods of exposure. In complex, not amenable to self-correction, ...

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Expert advice on how to remove a blockage in the kitchen sink at home

A clogged kitchen sink is a situation that almost everyone faces. In this case, the water either does not drain at all or leaves very slowly. In most cases, you can fix the situation ...

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A blockage in the pipe can completely paralyze all homework, so get rid of ...

Not all apartment owners in a multi-storey building know that ...

Cleaning of the entrance to an apartment building should be regular and of high quality. The only way ...

Any work must be done in the system. This rule applies to cleaning staircases. ...


